You are in [Themes] [Trades & Occupations] [Named Traders in 17th Century Hungerford]

Traders in Hungerford 1570-1699:

Abstracted from the Hidden Index by Eileen Bunt

(Names in brackets were mentioned in the Wills of the lead name)

1570 John Ball - Smith
1570 Thomas Dolman - Innholder
1570 William Yonge - Shepherd
1576 William Butler - Tanner
1578 Robert Whetacre - Clothier

1582 George Lovelacke; (George Hedache - Fishmonger)
1585 John Sulton - Draper; (Robert Maye - Cooper; Thomas Withers - Shoemaker; John Yowle - Clothier; Thomas Penny - Chandler; Richard Mitton - Clothworker)
1585 Robert Waite - Cooper

1600 Richard Mitton - Shearman
1600 Thomas Watkins - Clothworker
1601 John Curre; (John Pynnock - Innholder)
1601 Alice Milles; (Robert Maile - Clothier)
1606 William Brothers - Broadweaver
1607 John Fawler - Woollen Draper
1608 Robert Bear - Glover

1613 Thomas Curr; (Richard Hunt of the bryckhouse(?))
1613 ingram Robbetts - Turner
1617 William Norris - Miller
1618 Thomas Crockford - Shoemaker
1619 Tristram Dolman - Innholder

1629 Thomas Langfield - Innholder (Charnham Street)

1631 John Sandes - Carpenter
1634 Alexander Burton, Blacksmith (Charnham Street)
1636 Robert Haynes - Sadler
1638 Thomas Lovelack - Surgeon
1639 John Burch; (Isaac Field - Shoemaker)

1640 Richard Hellier; (Edward Saxton - Tanner)
1640 William Hunt als Robinson - Butcher
1641 Daniel Early - Shearman
1641 Robert Pattey - Glover
1647 William King - Tanner (Charnham Street)

1651/2 John Crockford - Glover
1654 Edward Jenkens - Tailor
1655 John Osmond - Tailor
1657 Nicholas Burch - Beerbrewer
1657 John Hellyard - Tailor
1657 Joseph Whitaker - Tailor
1658 Richard Sare - Baker

1661 Robert Fawler - Maltster
1662 Thomas Cooke als Garmy; (Abiam Tubb - Cutler; Thomas Collins - Shoemaker)
1662 Thomas King - Tailor
1662 Edward Sandes - Carpenter
1663 John Fawler - Maltster; (Joseph Sare - Tallowchandler; Thomas Sare - Baker)
1663 Margery Fowler - Bodicemaker
1663 Robert Kember; (Jehosophat Kember - Carpenter; William Curtis - Tailor)
1664 John Butler - Tallowchandler
1665/6 Isaac King - Cordwainer
1666 John Day; (John Swindon - Sawyer; Henry Pocock - Shoemaker)
1666/7 Anthony Field; (William Field - Wheelwright; William Grammett - Millwright)
1667 Anthony Goffe - Shoemaker
1668 Timothy Lucas - Mercer
1668 John Philps; (John Cooper - Farmer)
1669/70 Stephen Helliard - Shoemaker

1670 John Boulden; (William Curtis - Tailor)
1670 Isaac Gaines - Victualler
1670 Isaac King - Cordwainer; (Israel Norcroft - Currier)
1670 Thomas Oram - Blacksmith
1670 John Tull - Waggoner
1670/1 William Knapp - Joiner
1671 Richard Ambrose - Currier
1672 Nicholas King - Tailor
1672 Joseph Sare - Tallowchandler; (Thomas Butler - Ironmonger)
1673 George Kiblewhite; (Tobias Pollerne - Cooper)
1673 Adrian Pollerne - Cooper
1673 Elizabeth Savage; (John Field - Wheeler; Thomas Bonner - Farmer)
1674 Richard Mayle - Butcher
1674 Nicholas Robinson als Hunt - Victualler
1675 Samuel Water - Tanner; (Henry Winyatt - Tanner; John Boone - Maltster; Thomas Butler - Ironmonger; Joseph Butler - Mercer; John Norris - Brewer; Daniel Read - Saddler)
1676 Thomas Dennis - Blacksmith
1676 John Toe; (John Norris - Beerbrewer; Thomas Butler - Ironmonger)
1677 Robert Kember - Carpenter
1678 Simon Brinsden; (Joseph Pocock - Tailor)
1678 Richard Widley; (Joseph Pocock - Tailor)
1679 James Denman - Wheeler
1679 Tobias Randall - Miller; (William Burcombe - Innholder; William Clifford - Cordwainer)

1680 John Coxhead - Weaver
1680 John Lewis; (Thomas Butler - Ironmonger)
1680 Daniel Reade - Saddler
1681 William Bridgeman; (Abraham Lawrence - Sergeweaver)
1681 Thomas Dennis - Blacksmith
1681 Joan Kimber; (William Burcombe - Innholder)
1681 Daniel Reade - Beer brewer
1683 John Dicks - Tailor; (John White - Collarmaker; Zachary Turton - Blacksmith)
1683 John Stephens; (Tobias Pollerne - Cooper)
1684 William Coster - Blacksmith
1685 William Burcombe; (John Cramp - Innholder)
1685 Elizabeth Coxhead; (William Nalder - Bricklayer; Joseph Whineate - Saddler)
1685 John Lafford - Victualler; (Thomas Sare - baker; Thomas Woodroffe - Plumber)
1685 Ann Paty; (Charles Paty - Farmer)
1685/6 John Hidden also Clidsdell; (John Clidsdell - Buttonmaker; Robert Osmond - Tailor)
1686 Thomas Pinnock - Currier; (John Pinnock - Currier)
1686 John Toe; (Adwin William - Dyer; Joseph Toe - Collarmaker)
1687 Humphrey Randall - Miller
1688 George Clempson - Apothecary; (Joseph Butler - Mercer; Richard King - Grover)
1688 Sarah Collier; (Richard Collier - Painter)
1688 John Pavey; (John Hamblen - Grocer)
1689 Humphrey Crockford - Joiner; (Humphrey Crockford, sen - Farmer; Edward Lucas - Merchant)
1689 Thomas Sare - Baker

1690 Francis Strong; (Israel Northcroft - Currier)
1691 Adwin Williams - Dyer
1693 Joseph Butler - Mercer; (Thomas Butler - Ironmonger)
1693 Joseph Jenkins - Glazier
1693 Tobias Pollerne - Cooper
1693 John Seymour; (Thomas Hatt - Farmer; Abraham Lawrence - Serge-weaver)
1694 Thomas Cooke also Garmy - Butcher; (Richard Sare - baker)
1694 Thomas Hutchins; Thomas Winter - Glover)
1695 William Nalder - Mason
1696 Robert Cannon; (Thomas Winter - Glover)
1696 William Morris - Wheelwright
1697 Walter Boseley - Carpenter; (Thomas Woodroffe - Glazier)
1697 John Pocock; (Edward Lucas - Mercer)
1697 Joseph Pocock; (Francis Mills - Mercer)
1698 Margaret Mundy; (Thomas Butler - Schoolmaster)
1698/9 Daniel Dore; (Thomas Robinson - Brazier)
1699 Richard Bell - Tanner

See also:

- Named traders in 18th Century Hungerford

- Trades & Occupations in 16th Century Hungerford

- Trades & Occupations in 17th Century Hungerford

- Trades & Occupations in 18th Century Hungerford

- Trades & Occupations in 19th Century Hungerford

- Trade & Industry in 20th Century Hungeford

- Trade Directories

- Trades and Occupations in Elizabethan Hungerford

- Constables Accounts

- Probate Inventories

- Population and Censuses

- 1841 Census for High Street Hungerford (East and West), listing Heads of Households (but omitting the many "Agricultural labourers"!):

- 1851 Census - Occupation of the People (photocopy of Hungerford and other towns)

- 1851 Census - Occupation of the People - All Males (Transcription)

- 1851 Census - Occupation of the People - Males (Transcription, sorted by frequency)

- 1851 Census - Occupation of the People - All Females (Transcription)

- 1851 Census - Occupation of the People - Females (Transcription, sorted by frequency)