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The town of Hungerford struck a close relationship in 2013 with a REME Battalion stationed at Tidworth.

After a gruelling period of ten years when most of the Battalion had three tours in Afghanistan, they were invited to celebrate their return with a Homecoming parade through the town.

They continue to show their presence in Hungerford on many occasions, including Armed Forces Day 2016. Follow this link to see a slideshow of 30 pics of the day, kindly sent by Tony Bartlett.

Photo Gallery:


REME Homecoming 2014. (Pictures by kind permission of Tony Bartlett)


REME Homecoming 2014. (Pictures by kind permission of Tony Bartlett)

(Pictures by kind permission of Tony Bartlett)

6 Battalion REME in Hungerford:

The Hungerford Town Council was approached in mid 2013 with an invitation to become affiliated to 6 Battalion following their centralising at Tidworth. After ex[ploring the implication of his move, HTC unanimously approved the proposal and in partnership with the own and Manor accepoted the invitation on behalf of the residents.

Subsequently the Mayor and Mayoress attended the Medals parade at Tidworth; a detachment of 6 Battalion lef the Hungerford Remebrance parade; a small numbe rof troops assisted the volunteers dress the 350+ Christmas trees used to decorate the town's renowned display, and they were switched on by Lt Col Stevan Crossfield on 1 December. mMore recently, 6 Battalion have made the Tin-man costume for the local Wizard of Oz production.

6 Close Support Battalion R.E.M.E. marched through their adopted home town on Saturday 8 Feb 2014. The 250 soldiers, led by Lt General Stefan Crossfield, were welcomed back from their arduous and challenging tour in Afghanistan.

Along roads closed especially for this celebratory occasion, the troops marched from the War Memorial, down Bulpit Lane, along Priory Road, into the High Street where a salute was taken outside the Town Hall.

It ended in the town's Church Street car park (which made a fine parade ground for the occasion) with a grand back-drop of their 30 tonne trucks and cheering onlookers.

Former Chief of General Staff and one of the country's foremost soldiers General Sir Mike Jackson GCB, CBE, DSO, DL (who had recently moved to live in Hungerford) formally welcomed the troops and congratulated them on their brave and successful service whilst deployed in Afghanistan.

On behalf of their regimental 'home town', it was Mayor Martin Crane OBE who welcomed the returning troops whilst, for the regiment he leads, Lt gen Stefan Crossfield accepted a scroll of honour created by pupils from John O'Gaunt School.

The event was very well supported by local people, with perhaps 2,000 enjoying the spectacle.

See also:

- "Battalion to adopt Hungerford as its official 'home' town" - NWN 16 Jan 2014

- Slideshow of the day (by Tony Bartlett)

- Slideshow of Armed Forces Day, Jun 2016, (by Tony Bartlett)